Welcome To My World

I have for many years been posting a blog on Opera but have now decided to start again on Blogger,the main reason is that I have set up a Photo Per day Blog for 2012 and want to keep the 2 linked.

My 366 For 2012 Blog can be found here

And for anyone interested my ramblings of the last few years on Opera are here

Thursday, 29 December 2011

TV Gems At Christmas

I usually find in amidst the dross of Soaps,Reality Shows and Film's repeated a million times over Christmas there is the odd gem usually tucked away late at night and this year was no exception.

BBC gave us Lapland about an extended family visiting the Father Christmas theme park experience in Finland and it was not the usual smaltzy sugar coated dross you would expect just funny well acted well written with the occasional dark moment to add to the quality.

On ITV Fast Freddie,The Widow & Me,the story line again of boy dying at Christmas shallow rich kid finds out what Christmas is all about can sound rather formulaic but this had a few twists and again was well written and acted,and anything with Tamzin Outhwaite in usually gets my vote.

Finally Sky with a succession of 15 minute shorts starring a succession of comedians dramatising incidents from their youth and as with the other two quality television.

No doubt next year will be the same with the usual Prime time dross but I do beg anyone reading this to go through next years TV guide with a fine tooth comb because quality TV does still exist at Christmas and its very satisfying when you hunt it down.

PS: Probably the same at Easter as well

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