Welcome To My World

I have for many years been posting a blog on Opera but have now decided to start again on Blogger,the main reason is that I have set up a Photo Per day Blog for 2012 and want to keep the 2 linked.

My 366 For 2012 Blog can be found here

And for anyone interested my ramblings of the last few years on Opera are here

Sunday, 8 April 2012

What Are The Press doing About Football's Cheats

So today’s question is are her majesty's sporting gutter press and the audio and visual media doing their jobs in attacking the wrongdoings in the nations favourite game,well of course the answer is a big resounding NO.

Over the weekend the cancer that is diving has reached new levels of absurdity with the pathetic actions of to name just 2 Adam Lalana of Southampton and Ashley Young of Manchester Utd so this morning we can expect all areas of the press to be attacking these and other cheats with an enormous avenging zeal.
Well we could but no we get pages and minutes droning on about the pathetic but basically harmless child that is Mario Ballotelli and of course the usual easy option of slagging off the referees comes out in sound and print.

What makes it worse is the fact that vested interests have the media to have their biased say, for example former cricketer Ronnie Irani on Talk Sport radio who is a rabid Utd fan and would defend them even if Fergie were videoed rogering the Queen and yet his bias is allowed to dominate the airways in the morning.

So where are the journalists and broadcasters of courage who will stand up against cheating who will stop droning on about There was contact” when a tap softer than a butterflies wing beat causes a player to fall as if shot where are our attack dogs of the press and media who are going to force clubs,the FA and the leagues to do something about cheats.

Well sadly they appear not to exist with one notable exception,Stan Collymore former bad boy footballer has realised what is wrong with the game and on Twitter and Talk Sport is vehement in his condemnation of cheats,he is however a voice crying in the wilderness until the cowards that inhabit our press boxes decide to put their heads above the parapets and join him.

And if and when they do we may stand a chance of getting back the game we used to love

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