Welcome To My World

I have for many years been posting a blog on Opera but have now decided to start again on Blogger,the main reason is that I have set up a Photo Per day Blog for 2012 and want to keep the 2 linked.

My 366 For 2012 Blog can be found here

And for anyone interested my ramblings of the last few years on Opera are here

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Why Cant Our Footballers Be More Like Lionel

As we sat through the fabulous summer of sport and gloried in the performances of Mo,Jess,Wiggo & Froomy,Andy and the Paralympians, Cricketers and Golfers how often did we say "If only our footballers could perform and behave in such a manner" and we hoped against hope that the stars of the Premier League would look at the response to other sportsmen and women and maybe change their ways.

Well it was a vain hope as we have seen from abuse of referees,cheating and only today a manager and player getting involved in a brawl, the apologists say "Well football is a different game with different pressures to other sports",now that may be correct, but football does have a player who can be held up alongside all the sportsmen and women of the glorious summer.

He's not a journeyman player from a small club of someone looked on fondly as their career comes to an end he is of course the greatest player on the planet Lionel Messi.
To watch Messi show off his range of skills is a joy but even more impressive is everything else he does
No diving
No manufactured goal celebrations just a smile and the congratulations of team mates
No rolling around as if shot when fouled he just gets up and gets on with the game
Loyalty ,now you may say that being loyal to possibly  the best club side in the history of the game but I can think of many who if offered the sort of salary that the petro dollars of clubs like PSG,Anzi and Manchester City,a salary that would make his current income seem like income support would d have grabbed the mighty dollar and run like hell.

So to all those who dive and snarl and bring ugliness to the beautiful game you have a role model to emulate because not only is he better behaved than you he is by a country mile a better player than you.

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