Welcome To My World

I have for many years been posting a blog on Opera but have now decided to start again on Blogger,the main reason is that I have set up a Photo Per day Blog for 2012 and want to keep the 2 linked.

My 366 For 2012 Blog can be found here

And for anyone interested my ramblings of the last few years on Opera are here

Friday, 3 January 2014

Mangotsfield Utd 2 Fleet Town 0 Calor League South And West Div 1 (28.12.2013)

A family trip down to Devon over Christmas meant that I was never going to get back in time for AFC Wulfrunians match on the Saturday, so a post on the Non League Of Extraordinary Photographers Facebook group asking for reccommendations let to Peter Coddington inviting me to watch his Mangotsfield Utd side in the Calor League 9Step 4 in the Non League Pyramid)

Mangotsfield is easily reached being only a few minutes off the M4/M32 so despite a couple of delays due to accidents on the way up I was at the rather unromantically named Glass Consultants UK Stadium in plenty of time.Despite the name its a very pleasant well laid out stadium well maintained and with none of the signs of neglect you find at a number of grounds in the pyramid

My usual plan and a bit of an NLOEP group tradition of getting a shot of those unsung heroines of the the game,the tea ladies,was abandons as Peter advised that they are camera shy to the nth degree so all I got was a quick shot of the tea bar.

Mangotsfield are lucky to have in one section of the ground a small but extremely vociferous group of fans that helps (In a similar way to Gornal Athletics Shed Enders) give a different atmosphere to the ground and they maintained their vocal support for the entire 90 minutes.

Oh yes almost forgot the reason I was there,Peter Coddington club photographer and seriously nice bloke so here he is,in one shot taking the instruction "Strike the Pose" to a new level

And so to the match well despite the fact that we were talking top 3 v bottom 3 the match was very even throughout with Fleet putting up an excellent performance against their much higher ranked hosts and having more than 1 chance of taking the lead .
Mangotsfuield took the lead on the stroke of half time but sadly I was at the other end of the pitch looking for some artistic wide angle shots at the time so this was all i got just before the goal,I did get the hard core supporters celebrating though

The second half continued in much the same way as the first with Fleet still keeping the home team on their toes and it was well into the second half  before Mangotsfield made the game safe with an excellent individual goal that this time I got a piece of

So a very pleasant day with a friendly club and as Mangotsfield play a couple of Midlands teams hopefully I will meet up with them again

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